Fingerprinting Update from DHCQ 4.17.24


Statement from DHCFA Regarding Long Term Care Bills:

The Long-Term Care Industry continues to serve Delaware’s aging and disabled residents despite the workforce shortage which has reached a crisis level, and the funding constraints given the lack of a Medicaid rate increase from the State since 2008. The Industry participates in all convenings related to Elder and Long-Term Care to serve as a resource for policymakers and advocates when decisions regarding the services and operations of the Long-Term Care providers in the State. While we are appreciative of efforts to improve care, especially efforts to address the workforce crisis, we continue to ask to be consulted in the development of any legislation or policy that will affect the Industry that such efforts seek to impact. Unfortunately, despite our visibility and direct requests, this continues to not be the case with the package of Long-Term Care bills announced on Monday, February 26th. We look forward to working with legislators and policymakers open to a collaborative approach with the Industry to have a complete understanding of the current challenges and which efforts will support the Industry in continually improving care for the residents it serves and the staff it employs.

While we appreciate their interest in the industry, and especially the support for workforce development, we cannot support legislation where we were not included. “Nothing about us – Without us”  


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